Find out all the information you need to know about Presbyopia treatment in London and if Laser Eye Surgery is suitable for you
What is Presbyopia?
This is the term used to describe when one needs to wear reading glasses. What happens with all of our natural lenses in the eye is that, with age they become less flexible and this impacts on your near vision.
Don’t panic as there is nothing wrong and it is an eventuality with everyone!
Presbyopia diagnosis and examination process
If you find that you are now having problems reading text messages or emails on your phone and find it easier to read when they are further away from your eyes then it is highly likely that you are developing Presbyopia.
Does it sound like your kind of problem? Well get in touch with us with a FREE video consultation and we will give you an answer as to whether or not you could benefit from this kind of laser eye surgery.
Presbyopia treatments
The good news is that we can utilise laser eye surgery to get rid of those spectacles as well as deal with your distance vision! That means that you can regain some of that great vision for distance and near you had when you were in your twenties!
We can never increase the flexibility of the lens but there are other methods available to allow you to read as well as preserve your distance vision.Presbyopia FAQs
Can I still have laser eye surgery if I have Presbyopia?
Yes – go ahead and book a FREE consultaion meeting to see if it's best for you..
What age does Presbyopia effect people?
It usually effects people in their forties onwards.
What happens in Presbyopia
At a young age your natural lens in the eye is flexible and able to adapt accordingly to allow you to see in the distance and near. The lens becomes less flexible with age and this is manifested by the need for reading glasses.
Our Services

Laser Eye Surgery
Excellent vision, rapid recovery, long lasting results. Eliminate the need for cumbersome contact lenses and expensive glasses. Release a new level of independence with our safe, tried and tested technology.
Learn more about Laser Eye Surgery
Lens Surgery
If laser eye surgery is perhaps not the ideal solution for you this option offers you a viable alternative to being glasses and spectacle independent. This procedure may also be combined with laser eye surgery to give you outstanding and long lasting results.
Learn more about our Lens Surgery
Cataract Surgery
When your natural lens becomes cloudy this is called a cataract. Whilst the NHS does a fantastic job of removing your cataract, advances in lens technologies have allowed us privately to offer you a solution to reduce your dependence on both distance and near glasses.
Learn more about our Cataract Surgery