Find out all the information you need to know about Astigmatism treatment in London and if Laser Eye Surgery is suitable for you
What is Astigmatism?
Very few eyes represent a perfect sphere and this subtle difference is called Astigmatism. Think of it like your eye being closer in appearance to a rugby ball rather than a football!
Not all Astigmatism creates a problem with vision. Some patients with a degree of Astigmatism have no symptoms.
When rays of light hit the eyes of someone with Astigmatism the image formed at the back of the eye is somewhat distorted due to the unequal shape of the eye. Astigmatism is usually present in combination with short sightedness or long sightedness.
Astigmatism diagnosis and examination process
We can diagnose Astigmatism with a clinical examination.
It is relatively common and your optician may have advised you of this. You will not be able to visibly see it. Regardless, one of our experts will re-check everything and determine how much Astigmatism you have and where it is
We can take scans of the eye to support diagnosis or to determine if there is a need for further investigation.
Astigmatism treatments
In the vast majority of cases, we can correct Astigmatism with laser vision correction.
The laser is able to pay specific attention to these areas. It is far superior compared to glasses or contact lenses and can give crystal clear vision. The laser we use at Clarity Vision correction and the highly skilled surgeons we employ allows us to correct a wide range of Astigmatism so go ahead and book a FREE video consultation.
Our world leading experts, Dr Manek Patel and Dr Romil Patel will be able to give you an indication as to whether or not your Astigmatism is suitable for treatment and devise a bespoke treatment plan for you to achieve excellent vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
In a very small minority, laser vision correction is prohibited, and a different form of treatment is required.
Astigmatism FAQs
Can I still have laser eye surgery if I have Astigmatism?
Yes – in fact, many patients find that their vision after laser vision correction is better than when they used contact lenses or glasses.
Can all forms of astigmatism be treated with laser eye surgery?
No. A series of scans and investigations are required to determine this although the vast majority are suitable for treatment.
Our Services

Laser Eye Surgery
Excellent vision, rapid recovery, long lasting results. Eliminate the need for cumbersome contact lenses and expensive glasses. Release a new level of independence with our safe, tried and tested technology.
Learn more about Laser Eye Surgery
Lens Surgery
If laser eye surgery is perhaps not the ideal solution for you this option offers you a viable alternative to being glasses and spectacle independent. This procedure may also be combined with laser eye surgery to give you outstanding and long lasting results.
Learn more about our Lens Surgery
Cataract Surgery
When your natural lens becomes cloudy this is called a cataract. Whilst the NHS does a fantastic job of removing your cataract, advances in lens technologies have allowed us privately to offer you a solution to reduce your dependence on both distance and near glasses.
Learn more about our Cataract Surgery