Find out all the information you need to know about Cataract treatment in London and if Laser Eye Surgery is suitable for you
What is Cataracts?
When the natural, clear lens of the eye becomes cloudy this is called a Cataract. It is also sometimes called “white water” as, just like a waterfall, something that was once clear (water) becomes cloudy (as it flows down!).
30% of people over the age of 65 have a cataract significant enough to impact on their vision.
Cataract symptoms can be highly variable.
Many patients do not realise they have a cataract until it is picked up by their optician.
Symptoms can include:
- Glare – starburst effect around headlights particularly at night
- Haloes – circles around headlights
- Dullness to colours
- Light to full on total loss of vision.
Rest assured that all of these symptoms are reversible once you have had surgery when your vision will return back to normal.
Cataract causes
The single biggest cause of cataracts is age.
The majority of the population will be diagnosed with a cataract at some point in their life.
Additional factors that can cause early onset of cataracts include:
- Sunlight exposure
- Diabetes
- Dehydration
- Trauma
Cataract diagnosis and examination process
We can diagnose cataracts with a detailed eye examination. We use eye drops to dilate your eyes and then use an instrument similar to a microscope to look at them closely.
Cataract treatments
We can eliminate cataracts in two ways. In standard cataract surgery, we simply remove the cataract. With refractive cataract surgery, we can remove your need for glasses too.
Cataract surgery is the only intervention that can remove a cataract.
Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed elective surgical procedure with over 400,000 procedures undertaken in the UK annually.
Cataract surgery works by removing the old lens and putting a new clear plastic lens in its place. The procedure itself takes less than 20 minutes.
You will be in the clinic for a couple of hours in total as we need to prepare you and make sure you’re comfortable after surgery.
Your vision will be permanently improved after cataract surgery.
Furthermore, with refractive cataract surgery, we can also remove your need for glasses and contact lenses in the same operation.
Cataract FAQs
Does cataract surgery hurt?
No. We use very strong drops and medications to ensure the eye is free from pain.
What if I blink during the operation?
You will not be able to blink as we use a small piece of equipment to keep the eyelids open.
Am I awake during the surgery?
Yes, but we often give a very light sedation to keep you calm and relaxed.
How long will the new lens last?
It will last for life. Sometimes it is necessary to laser polish the lens after surgery. This is called YAG – capsulotomy.
Can the cataract come back?
No. Once it has been removed, that is it.
What is the recovery time?
You can resume most activities after a day or two, and you are home on the same day of surgery. We will give you detailed advice on this before surgery.
When can I drive?
If your other eye meets the minimum standard for driving, then you can drive whenever you are comfortable.
When will I notice a difference in vision?
Typically the next day – although this can vary as the harder the cataract, the longer the recovery time.
Will a surgeon in training be doing my surgery?
No. As a private patient, your operation will be undertaken by a fully trained surgeon.
Our Services

Laser Eye Surgery
Excellent vision, rapid recovery, long lasting results. Eliminate the need for cumbersome contact lenses and expensive glasses. Release a new level of independence with our safe, tried and tested technology.
Learn more about Laser Eye Surgery
Lens Surgery
If laser eye surgery is perhaps not the ideal solution for you this option offers you a viable alternative to being glasses and spectacle independent. This procedure may also be combined with laser eye surgery to give you outstanding and long lasting results.
Learn more about our Lens Surgery
Cataract Surgery
When your natural lens becomes cloudy this is called a cataract. Whilst the NHS does a fantastic job of removing your cataract, advances in lens technologies have allowed us privately to offer you a solution to reduce your dependence on both distance and near glasses.
Learn more about our Cataract Surgery