How does LASIK work?

01 April 2020

Romil Patel explains how the laser eye surgery procedure LASIK works

LASIK works, broadly speaking, in two steps.

A laser creates a small flap

The first step is undertaken by a laser where it creates a small flap in the front part of the eye.

A second laser reshapes the cornea

The second stage is actually another laser where you reshape the cornea to get rid of the short sightedness or the long sightedness, as well as any astigmatism that is present.

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Our Services

Laser Eye Surgery

Excellent vision, rapid recovery, long lasting results. Eliminate the need for cumbersome contact lenses and expensive glasses. Release a new level of independence with our safe, tried and tested technology.

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Lens Surgery

If laser eye surgery is perhaps not the ideal solution for you this option offers you a viable alternative to being glasses and spectacle independent. This procedure may also be combined with laser eye surgery to give you outstanding and long lasting results.

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Cataract Surgery

When your natural lens becomes cloudy this is called a cataract. Whilst the NHS does a fantastic job of removing your cataract, advances in lens technologies have allowed us privately to offer you a solution to reduce your dependence on both distance and near glasses.

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